Spiral Staircase Pontefract

Case Study Model 76

Our direct client for this project was a specialist contractor involved in a series of renovations for his client.  The main house and several outbuildings were being converted part of this work required a bespoke, focal point spiral staircase.

After picking our client up from he airport in Southampton we gave him a tour of the showroom before sitting down to discuss the options and the specification.

Glass treads were selected along with curved glass balustrade to maximise the transparent feel of the spiral and enhance the overall appearance.

The spiral was to access a doorway upstairs and there was a corridor below which required clearance.  We spun the spiral in a clockwise assent ad enlarged the top platform to slightly push the centre column away from the corridor.

Curved Glass Panels

The model 76 spiral stair is a bespoke product which is produced exactly to the floor to floor height of the house.  It is supplied with a choice of lamaianted glass or sold acrylic treads and the balustrade structure can be formed with vertical stainless spindles, horizontal rails or curved glass or acrylic panels.  In this case glass treads and curved glass panels were selected.

The rotation of this spiral is always made to suit the environment to ensure sufficient headroom clearance is achieved and tread 1 is in the correct position.  As you can see on the pictures to the right, the position of step one and the platform above gave ample walkway space for the downstairs corridor.

Click on the link below to view the Model 76 page where you will see a full description of the  product and an extensive gallery.

Fill out the form to the bottom of the page for a price.

sleek spiral stair with glass steps on black floor

Spiral Staircase Pontefract Technical Specification

Floor to floor height 2705mm
Risers 14 @ 193.2mm
Spiral Diameter 1900mm
Clear Tread Width 800mm
Tread Type 30mm Laminated Glass
Balustrade Type 8mm curved glass panels
Handrail 37,7mm Ø Stainless Steel
Centre Column 146mm Ø
Finish of Steel brushed stainless steel
Additional Stainless riser bars to reduce gap
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Comment on Spiral Staircase Pontefract – Model 76 from Complete Stair Systems

Mike Edwards

Sales Manager

"There were many discussions at the start about the specification of the spiral and it was very helpful for the client to actually see a flight in our showroom"

Contact us about project Spiral Staircase Pontefract- Model 76